Friday, April 5, 2019

Evil Lurks In The Shadows - Bizarre World of Adele Casales Rocha

Exploring the Bizarre ( hosts Tim Beckley and Tim Swartz say hello to ADELE CASALES ROCHA whose life has at times been tormented by the unknown. Have you ever heard a voice calling your name in the middle of the night? Or seen a misty figure following you down a dark street? Almost everyone at some point in their lives have had a "paranormal" moment. Sceptics tend to dismiss these experiences as hoaxes or mistakes of perception...yet, who can tell? Our mainstream scientific understanding of human consciousness is by no means complete. There is still no consensus among researchers about what embodies “normal” and “abnormal” or “altered” states of consciousness. We might as well say that the paranormal exists as an intangible world that interacts with us. This week , our guest talks about her new book "Portal: A Lifetime of Paranormal Experiences," a compilation of eyewitness accounts and her own personal encounters with the unknown and terrifying. Adele Casales Rocha has traveled extensively to over 26 countries and has compiled accounts of terrifying and uncanny experiences in both her native country of the Philippines and abroad. Adele starred as "Elisa Simon" in episode two of the pilot, "UFO's Over Earth" while she was a field investigator for MUFON. Her personal experiences with the bizarre has led to a lifetime quest investigating sightings and paranormal events thru eyewitness reports. Adele is a screenwriter of science fiction and horror with over 11 screenplays which have placed in competitions in the United States. She has adapted for the screen, books by Philip Mantle and Paul Stonehill, who are prominent investigators and authors in the field of UFOlogy.

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